Thursday, June 3, 2010

Watermelon Ice cream

I found this on the computer, I have not tried it but I think it sounds good.

MeLinda, 9 New York
What you need:
1 gallon green "lime" sherbert
1 gallon pink "strawberry" sherbert
1 cup chocolate chips
1 big freezer safe bowl
How to make it:
1. Scoop the green ice cream in the bottom of the bowl until it's about a half inch thick and then spread it all around the bowl. You need to cover the whole bowl (sort of like your making another bowl inside the bowl you are using). *This is the watermelon rind (outside of the watermelon).
2. Then fill the rest of the bowl with pink ice cream. *This is the meat (inside) of the watermelon.
3. Then sprinkle the 1 cup of chocolate chips on top (you can still try to mix them into the pink ice cream).
4. Freeze for several hours until firm.
5. Turn bowl upside down on a plate and pull the bowl off, then cut into pieces for you and some friends to eat!
This was a lot of fun to make and eat. I was really surprised how well it turned out, it looked just like real watermelon!