Saturday, June 30, 2012

More on Slavery

There are four primary areas of slavery into which children, as well as adults, are trafficked (or sold):

Primarily young women and children, including toddlers, are sold into pornography and prostitution. There are thousands of these victims enslaved in the United States, Sudan and throughout Western Europe.

In Africa thousands of young boys and girls are forced into military camps where they are trained to fight as rebels and are often beaten, raped, and malnourished, as a means to training children to be young killing machines.
There are agricultural and manufacturing forced manual labor camps both in Western Europe and in the USA. 

This is Mafia organized begging. The children are forced into begging on the streets, and they retain none of what they collect. They are often forced to live in sewers, cellars or dark gutted apartments where many of them are crowded into a small room under lock and key with little to eat.

  And those are just four primary groups, there are a lot more.  A couple of sites I found on Slavery: Make way partners (where I got above info), and Women`s rights without frontiers (please be careful on Women`s rights without frontiers, some very graphic photos of whats going on in the world).

Monday, June 11, 2012

Golden Ciphers

  So if you have`nt noticed I posted about going to The Undergound Rialroad Freedom Center with a place called Golden Ciphers.  I know I gave a link to their web page, but I thought I`d tell you a little bit about it.  Golden Ciphers is a non-profit African American grassroots organization that is here to help the youth (ages 12-18) in the inter-city of Cleveland.  Golden ciphers has programs everyday of the week:  Monday is EET (or Entrepreneur Employment Training), Tuesday is Black Butterflies (girls group), Wednesday is Leadership, Thursday is Young Men Emerge (boys group), and Friday is Drumming as well.  To learn more go to their web site:


  On May 23, 2012, I went with Golden Ciphers to the Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  At the museum I learned what slaves had to go thru.  Africans where taken from their homeland, marched across fields on foot, and put on a slave ship bound for the Americas.  There was very little room on the slave ships.  Slaves crouched in the holds with no where to lay down or go to the bathroom.  They sat there in their own waste.  Conditions where so bad that the slaves jumped ship knowing it was better than slavery.
  When the slaves got to the Americas the where auctioned off by slave traders to the highest bidder.  Babies and Children were ripped from their mothers arms and families seperated! Slave traders made around $800,000 a year!
  Slavery was abolished by most countries (America being one of them), but its still going on!  Some types of slavery are: Sex slaves, Child Slodiers, Forced laborers, and many more.  The ones mentioned don`t happen as much in America (as far as I know) but there is slavery.  A couple of the ones in America are Threats and Fraud.
  This was suprising.  I knew that in  some countries (like India for one) there was still slavery, but it amazed me that its still going on in America.  I thought it terrible that people don`t know and that is what this post is for, to inform you what is still gonig on in the world.  When we don`t think its possible.
  What do think?  Is there anything you would add to this?  Please tell me so I can inform more people.
                                             Thanks for reading!