Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Snow days

I feel the snow cold against my body.
Birr I shiver inside my nice warm clothes.
The snow falls heavily beside Me.
I make snowmen, snow angels, snow balls and big footprints.
Snow is white and fluffy like whip cream (yum).
You can build snow castles.
Its like a winter wonder land!
I love when the snow is up to my waist!
You can take buckets fill them up and pad them down and make little houses.
The snow looks like a big white blanket.
The snow is sparkling in the sun.
I throw snow balls at Devorah.
She throws snow balls back at me.
So I push her into a big pile of snow.
I then make a snow castle and snow fort.
After playing in the snow I go inside and heat my rice bag up.
I have some hot-hot coco
I cuddle under blankets and watch a movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome poem!! Good job Charlotte!! Love You!!

Cousin Sami