Friday, October 16, 2009

State History Assignment 6#

US History Assignments-black

  • What is your State Capital: Columbus
  • How long has it been the Capital: It became Capital in 1816 and has been for 193 years
  • When was the city first established: In 1834
  • Who where the first people to settle there: When they moved the Capital to Columbus, Columbus did not exist and when created Immigrants from Irland settled on the North side and Immigrants from Germany settled on the South side.
  • This is a picture of my Capital at night:
  • Which State political people live in the Capital: I`m not sure what they wanted for an answer
  • What is the population of your State Capital: 754, 884
  • Is the Capital the largest city in your State: Yes
  • What is the smallest city in the State: Van Wert
  • Smallest cities population: 10,690

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